dns是指网络域名系统_域名系统(DNS)是Internet的骨干。 这就是全部的运作方式。...
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by Nikolas O'Donnell

由Nikolas O'Donnell

域名系统(DNS)的工作方式以及如何使其变得更好。 (How the Domain Name System (DNS) works and how you can make it better.)

The Domain Name System (DNS) is often referred to as the backbone of the internet. It’s run by many engineers and their organizations, it ultimately shapes the future of the internet.

域名系统(DNS)通常被称为Internet的骨干网。 它由许多工程师及其组织运营,最终决定了互联网的未来。

I recently attended ICANN58 in Copenhagen. It was an amazing week of round table discussions about the future of the internet. It included:

我最近参加了在哥本哈根举行的ICANN第58届会议。 关于互联网的未来,这是令人难以置信的一周的圆桌讨论。 它包括:

  • seminars on policy development for the DNS

  • workshops on how the architecture for the internet functions

  • where the internet’s biggest vulnerabilities lie


It was a lot of fun, and I gained a t0n of value from it.


Just to backtrack a little, I’m relatively new to the domain world and the inner workings of the internet architecture. Since joining this space as a developer with , I’ve had to learn a ton. There’s a massive labyrinth that lies below the browser’s surface. So I wrote this guide to walk you through some of the infrastructure that hides behind those domain names and numbers we all use daily.

只是稍微回溯一下,我对领域世界和互联网体系结构的内部运作还是比较陌生的。 自从以作为开发人员加入该领域以来,我不得不学习很多东西。 浏览器表面下方有一个巨大的迷宫。 因此,我写了本指南,向您介绍了一些我们每天都在使用的域名和数字背后的基础架构。

互联网如何运作? (How does the internet work?)

“This is a very common interview question: what happens when you go to Google.com, enter a query, and press enter?” —

“这是一个非常常见的面试问题:当您访问Google.com,输入查询并按Enter时会发生什么?” — (

So you open your browser and go to and this awesome site loads up right in front of you in the blink of an eye. You already know that this site is rendered from a range of compiled files that sit on a server somewhere. But how does your browser find its way to those files in the infinitely expanding internet? You may start thinking…

因此,您打开浏览器并转到 ,此真棒网站加载到您面前。 您已经知道该站点是由服务器上某处的一系列编译文件提供的。 但是,在无限扩展的Internet中,浏览器如何找到这些文件? 您可能会开始思考...

What the heck just happened?


The very first time you went to freecodecamp.com, your browser didn’t know what the IP address for freecodecamp.com was, so it couldn’t connect to and retrieve those files. Nor for that matter did it know where the actual servers were that those files are hosted on. And therefore, it had no idea from where to pull those files to start rendering the page.

第一次访问freecodecamp.com时,您的浏览器不知道freecodecamp.com的IP地址是什么,因此它无法连接并检索这些文件。 同样,它也不知道这些文件托管在实际的服务器上。 因此,不知道从何处提取这些文件以开始呈现页面。

So here’s what happens: (cue the graphics!)


好吧,让我进一步介绍一下 (OK, let me expand upon that a bit)

  1. A user asks their browser to visit freecodecamp.com

  2. The browser queries a DNS Resolver (usually their ISP) “where’s freecodecamp.com?”

    浏览器查询DNS解析器(通常是其ISP)“ freecodecamp.com在哪里?”
  3. DNS Resolver queries the Root servers (which have a big important list that keeps this information) “where is .COM?” Replies with Verisign.

    DNS解析器查询根服务器(具有保存此信息的重要清单)“。COM在哪里?” 回复Verisign。
  4. DNS Resolver then queries Verisign — “where is freecodecamp.com?” Verisign replies with the nameservers ns1.cloudflare.com and the IP address

    然后,DNS解析器查询Verisign-“ freecodecamp.com在哪里?” Verisign回复名称服务器ns1.cloudflare.com和IP地址192.168.178.1
  5. Hosting servers are queried with the IP address. “Give me the files for IP address (please)”

    使用IP地址查询托管服务器。 “请给我IP地址192.168.178.1的文件(请)”
  6. Website files are delivered and rendered on the page so user can learn to code…or whatever they were doing.


I grabbed this screencast from , by far the biggest Registry in the world running .com .net .cc .tv and .name. It shows you the process in a nice way how the protocol works through the sequential queries and responses through the DNS structure.

我从了此截屏视频, 是迄今为止运行.com .net .cc .tv和.name的世界上最大的注册表。 它以一种很好的方式向您显示了该过程,该协议如何通过DNS结构通过顺序查询和响应来工作。

Don’t worry too much about trying to read all the text, but just watch the exchanges and flow of information to reiterate what we’ve discussed above (it’s on a loop so will restart).


谁让它起作用? (Who makes it work?)

In short IANA, in long ICANN, (I’ll explain these organizations in a moment and all this will make more sense, I promise!)


The reason for explaining how it works, was to uncover who makes it work — the real question and purpose for this article. It’s easy to think things just work. But of course, it’s no accident, the reason the internet works is because of the protocols and policies that have been created and gained enough of a consensus to become universal norms, but who agrees on these and how?

之所以解释它的工作原理,是为了揭示谁使它起作用-这是本文的真正问题和目的。 认为事情是可行的很容易。 但是,当然,这绝非偶然,互联网之所以起作用,是因为已经制定并获得足够共识的协议和政策已成为普遍规范,但是谁能在这些方面达成共识以及如何达成共识?

In short, and with specific regard to how domain names and IP addresses are mapped, that function falls under the competency of IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). They have the mandate of making sure the correct technical procedures are in place to have a safe and stable Domain Name System. Which brings us to ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). There’s no discussing IANA without ICANN:

简而言之,并特别关注域名和IP地址的映射方式,该功能属于IANA(互联网号码分配机构)的权限。 他们的任务是确保制定正确的技术程序以拥有安全和稳定的域名系统。 这使我们进入了ICANN(互联网名称与数字地址分配机构)。 没有ICANN就没有讨论IANA:

Besides providing technical operations of vital DNS resources, ICANN also defines policies for how the “names and numbers” of the Internet should run. The work moves forward in a style we describe as the “bottom-up, consensus-driven, multi-stakeholder model” — ICANN.COM

除了提供重要DNS资源的技术操作外,ICANN还定义了有关互联网“名称和号码”应如何运行的策略。 这项工作以我们称为“自下而上,共识驱动,多方利益相关者模型”的方式前进— ICANN.COM

In September of 2015 the IANA function which has been run by ICANN since 1998 permanently transitioned from being under a contract with the United States Department of Commerce to the autonomous control of ICANN \o/ ICANN has a board of directors and as a body, is divided up into separate member groups, let’s explore the Multi-stakeholder model:

ICANN自1998年以来一直运营的IANA职能于2015年9月从与美国商务部的合同永久转变为ICANN的自主控制权。o / ICANN拥有董事会并作为一个机构,分为不同的成员组,让我们探索多利益相关方模型:

“ICANN’s inclusive approach treats the public sector, the private sector, and technical experts as peers. In the ICANN community, you’ll find registries, registrars, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), intellectual property advocates, commercial and business interests, non-commercial and non-profit interests, representation from more than 100 governments, and a global array of individual Internet users. All points of view receive consideration on their own merits. ICANN’s fundamental belief is that all users of the Internet deserve a say in how it is run.” — ICANN.COM

“ ICANN的包容性方法将公共部门,私营部门和技术专家视为同行。 在ICANN社群中,您会发现注册管理机构,注册服务商,互联网服务提供商(ISP),知识产权倡导者,商业和商业利益,非商业和非营利利益,来自100多个政府的代表以及遍布全球的个人互联网用户。 所有观点都应根据自己的优点进行考虑。 ICANN的基本信念是,互联网的所有用户都应在其运行方式方面有发言权。” — ICANN.COM

While it is fair to say all these groups are “represented,” I would argue all are are not represented equally. It’s natural to expect that those with more financial stake and cash to burn will try to pull the conversation in a certain direction. For example, telecoms like AT&T, Comcast, Charter, Verizon, Vodafone, T-Mobile, Orange.

可以公平地说,所有这些团体都“有代表”,但我认为并非所有代表都平等。 很自然地希望那些拥有更多财务股份和现金的人会设法将对话拉向某个方向。 例如,AT&T,Comcast,Charter,Verizon,Vodafone,T-Mobile和Orange等电信公司。

They will arguably pull us in a backward direction, where they can package up websites like they did with cable TV channels, and sell them to end users, toll the traffic on the cables they control, and generally triple-dip on a more closed internet so they can make even more profit.


Some Governments will also try to influence in a direction toward their own state-interest, while others will try to be more global citizens. Intellectual Property advocates (organizations that are usually made up of IP lawyers) want things to be more about IP and brand security, so they can protect the lucrative rights of their high paying clients.

一些政府还将努力朝着自身国家利益的方向施加影响,而另一些政府将试图成为更多的全球公民。 知识产权倡导者(通常由知识产权律师组成的组织)希望事情更多地与知识产权和品牌安全有关,以便他们可以保护其高薪客户的丰厚权利。

Service providers in the commercial sector like Google and Facebook are visible in the array, and tend to advocate — in part at least — for their users’ privacy, along with maintaining their own domination of the web.


Registries like Verisign, have an interest in designing favorable policy outcomes to which they are bound to comply.


Interestingly in my experience it is the Registrars — where you can register domain names (like ) — who provide a voice of reason in the fray. They have to balance their obligations to ICANN and the Registries against those of their customers. And as a result of this, they often have to push back against various members or interest groups, or at times even the ICANN board itself.

根据我的经验,有趣的是注册商-您可以在其中注册域名(如 )-在竞争中提供了理性的声音。 他们必须平衡其对ICANN和注册管理机构的义务与客户的义务。 因此,他们常常不得不反对各种成员或利益集团,甚至有时甚至反对ICANN董事会本身。

让我们来谈谈最终用户 (Let’s talk end users)

Hey! That’s us!

嘿! 那是我们!

There’s a significant lack of end-user engagement in this process. Well, we’d all be better off if the end users of the internet started paying more attention.

在此过程中,最终用户的参与非常缺乏。 好吧,如果互联网的最终用户开始给予更多关注,我们都会过得更好。

Remember that there are some 3.7 billion internet users, but there are only a few people who own stakes in telecoms, registers, or web platforms. The freeCodeCamp community alone has more than a million users, and together we share so much that’s at stake.

请记住,大约有37亿互联网用户,但是只有少数人拥有电信,注册或网络平台的股份。 仅freeCodeCamp社区就有超过一百万的用户,而我们共同分享了这么多的风险。

This said, the number of folks currently engaged in this discussion is very small — maybe only a few thousand people. To be honest, I think there’s a growing need for more of us developers to take a more active voice in the conversation.

这就是说,目前参与此讨论的人员很少,也许只有几千人。 坦白地说,我认为越来越需要更多的开发人员在对话中表达更积极的声音。

This is, after all, our livelihood. It’s where we tend to spend our time. It’s the space that consumes much of our focus, energy, and passion. And apart from being highly savvy and heavy users of the internet, we also have unique insights into our own audiences. We can speak with an empathetic voice that resonates with an even larger end user base.

毕竟,这是我们的生计。 这是我们倾向于花费时间的地方。 这个空间消耗了我们的大部分精力,精力和激情。 除了成为精通互联网的沉迷用户之外,我们还对自己的受众群体具有独特的见解。 我们可以用善解人意的声音说话,与更大的最终用户群产生共鸣。

你可以做什么? (What you can do?)

You can take a seat at the table (or on the floor). There are a few ways you can get involved, depending on how formal you would like your involvement to be. You can join .

您可以在桌子(或地板)上坐下。 有多种参与方式,具体取决于您希望参与的正式程度。 您可以加入 。

is part of the end user contingent of ICANN’s multi-stakeholder model. It’s divided into regional At-Large outreach groups (RALOs). Here’s the full list: NARALO (North America), EURALO (Europe), APRALO (Asia-Pacific), LACRALO (Latin American and Caribbean Islands) and AFRALO (African Nations).

用户是ICANN多利益相关方模型的最终用户队伍的一部分。 它分为区域网络普通用户扩展组织(RALO)。 以下是完整列表:NARALO(北美),EURALO(欧洲),APRALO(亚太),LACRALO(拉丁美洲和加勒比群岛)和AFRALO(非洲)。

These various RALOs feed their inputs into the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC… aren’t acronyms fun!) who in turn report to ICANN.


Inside these end user representative bodies, there are smaller organizations you can become a part of at the university- or city level.


Another way to get involved is by becoming an unaffiliated member, which is to say outside of an At-Large structure, and directly with your Regional At-Large group. (Note that currently only the North American, Europe and Asia Pacific RALOs that allow such members — .)

参与的另一种方法是成为独立会员,也就是说,在网络普通用户结构之外,直接与您的网络普通用户组织在一起。 (请注意,目前只有北美,欧洲和亚太地区的RALO允许此类成员- 。)

There’s one more way, and that’s by applying as a collective to become an . This does require some effort on your part. You would need to organize, and lead the people who join your group. But the pay off is a seat at the table and a .

还有另一种方法,那就是通过集体申请成为 。 您确实需要付出一些努力。 您需要组织并领导加入小组的人员。 但是回报是餐桌上的一席之地,是的 。

On a side note, I’d like to hear your input on whether you think the freeCodeCamp community itself should look into applying to become an At-Large Structure. This would give all of it’s members a pathway into the end user group of ICANN.

附带说明一下,我想听听您的意见,即您是否认为freeCodeCamp社区本身应考虑申请成为一般会员结构。 这将为其所有成员提供进入ICANN最终用户组的途径。

Outside of the At-Large structure, there’s one more way you can participate. When ICANN opens topics for public comment, you can weigh in on those. .

网络普通用户结构之外,还有另一种参与方式。 ICANN打开主题以征询公众意见时,您可以考虑这些话题。 。

You can also attend an ICANN meeting like I did. ICANN convenes three times a year — each time in a different part of the world. I attended ICANN58, which was held in Copenhagen. The next one is .

您也可以像我一样参加ICANN会议。 互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)每年召开三次会议,每次会议在世界的不同地方。 我参加了在哥本哈根举行的ICANN第58届会议。 下一个是 。

It’s quite a fulfilling experience to attend one of these one-week events. They’re free and open to the public. You just have to register and apply. They also to help you attend if you need some support doing so.

参加这些为期一周的活动之一,这真是一种充实的体验。 它们是免费的,并向公众开放。 您只需要注册并申请。 如果您需要某些支持,他们还会以帮助您参加。

There are many ways you can voice your opinions and help shape the future of our free and open internet.


“All users of the Internet deserve a say in how it is run.”
“ Internet的所有用户都应该对它的运行方式有发言权。”

So I hereby invite you to get engaged and take a seat at the table.


$USER We made it \o/ that was a lot to take in and process
$ USER我们做到了\ o /这需要大量的处理
Response: You humans with your little CPU, LOL :)




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